Thursday, March 12, 2009

"The Essence of Christmas"

Christmas, Christmas, Christmas.....what comes to your mind when you hear the this word? The word Christmas comes from the words "Cristes" "Masses" or "Christ's Mass". Christmas is both a holiday and a Holy Day. Christmas is very important to us Roman Catholic because Christmas celebration is the celebration of Jesus Christ. It is the time to thank God, for giving us his only son, just to save us. God did that just to protect us. Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Israel; His mother was the Virgin Mary. The three kings gave Jesus gifts. That is also one of the reason why we give gifts during Christmas.
People in different parts of the world also celebrate Christmas. We all celebrate Christmas in different ways. For my family, one way of celebrating Christmas is going to church for a midnight mass, in Tagalog we call it "simbang gabi". One of the tradition that we follow is by giving gifts during Christmas. We also tend to forget the wrong things that others brought to us. We must learn to forget everything and give a complete forgiveness, let's be kind, humble and spread the peace. We can hear many Christmas song and some of us is fond of going to the neighbors and have a caroling. I enjoy doing this especially if others appreciate my effort and will give some amount. Many families get together just to celebrate Christmas. Even though they are in abroad, they always see to it that they will go home just to spend the Christmas with you. It's just like having a family reunion. We celebrate the Christmas Eve by eating, sharing ideas, having mass, exchanging gifts and we also tend to open our hearts and accept God and Jesus Christ as our Savior. All of us are happy to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and accepting Him on our hearts.

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