Monday, August 10, 2009

Having a Healthy Lifestyle

All living things depend on food and energy. We need it in everyday living. Health is wealth because if we are not healthy we can't live life to the fullest and do out daily task. Let us take care of our health by doing physical activities like exercising and etc.
Lifestyle diseases is a disease associated with the way a person or a group of people lives. It includes atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity, diabetes, diseases assocoated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. Physical activity is one part of healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity helps prevent abesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer and premature mortality. A healthy diet is an important part of healthy lifestyle. Choosing and eating the right kind of food is important. Like vegetables and fruits, drinking 8 glasses of water everyday. It is not enough that we eat foods that taste or look delicious. Yhe food that we eat must also be nutritious and healthy. Choose foods that are low in saturated fats, and cholesterol. Choose and prepare foods with little salt because too mich salt can raise your risk for high blood pressure. Eating healthy diet is part of a healthy lifrstyle. Healthy living means taking action by eating a healthy diet on a daily basis. Exercise regularly. Choose an activity that you enjoy doing. For example, jogging, this help us reduce our weight. Early morning is the best time we should jog and it is more fun if we have companion to talk to while jogging. Exercising will help improve your quality of life. Avoid smoking ang drinking alcoholic beverages. Smoking and drinking alcohol is dangerous to our health. That's true but why are there still people who smoke and drink? Some cases are to forget their problems, it is relaximg they say. We should not risk our life just for that. There are many ways to forget problems and to relax. Of you quit smoking and avoid drinking alcoholic beberages,you can greatly reduce your risk of heart and lung diseases.
Nowadays, childrens or teenagers prefer junk foods because it is what the canteen or stores are selling. Let us change that habit. Instead of buying junk foods why don't you try a healthy snack.

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